42 Prague

42 Prague

42 Prague

42 Prague

Word Class Coding School

42 Prague is a coding school, offers a unique approach to education, with a focus on practical, hands-on learning. The school does not have traditional teachers or lectures, instead, students are encouraged to work through the curriculum at their own pace and collaborate with other peers.


Critical thinking

Work independently


Peer-to-peer Learning

Growth and support

Word Class Coding School

42 Prague is a coding school, offers a unique approach to education, with a focus on practical, hands-on learning. The school does not have traditional teachers or lectures, instead, students are encouraged to work through the curriculum at their own pace and collaborate with other peers.


Critical thinking

Work independently


Peer-to-peer Learning

Growth and support

Word Class Coding School

42 Prague is a coding school, offers a unique approach to education, with a focus on practical, hands-on learning. The school does not have traditional teachers or lectures, instead, students are encouraged to work through the curriculum at their own pace and collaborate with other peers.


Critical thinking

Work independently


Peer-to-peer Learning

Growth and support

Word Class Coding School

42 Prague is a coding school, offers a unique approach to education, with a focus on practical, hands-on learning. The school does not have traditional teachers or lectures, instead, students are encouraged to work through the curriculum at their own pace and collaborate with other peers.


Critical thinking

Work independently


Peer-to-peer Learning

Growth and support

My Journey:

I completed the Piscine at 42 Prague and I have to say that it was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The one month intensive coding bootcamp was designed to be a rigorous and intense learning experience that pushed me to my limits and helped me develop the skills and knowledge.

The Piscine was an incredibly supportive and collaborative environment. I was surrounded by like-minded students who were all passionate about technology and eager to learn. I learned how to code in C, work with Linux operating system and terminal.

One of the things I appreciated the most about the Piscine was the focus on hands-on learning. There were no traditional lectures or teachers. I worked independently and collaborated with my peers to solve problems and complete projects. The collaborative learning environment helped me to learn from my peers and to build a strong sense of community.

My peers