CS50 & Udemy Courses

CS50 & Udemy Courses

CS50 & Udemy Courses

CS50 & Udemy Courses

CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science

Starting my journey in computer science, I dove into learning C programming at 42 Prague. Soon realizing the challenge, I supplemented my learning with Harvard's CS50 course, easily accessible online.

This course emphasized practical learning, allowing me to immediately apply concepts to projects in Piscine. This hands-on approach greatly enhanced my understanding of programming fundamentals.

CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science

Starting my journey in computer science, I dove into learning C programming at 42 Prague. Soon realizing the challenge, I supplemented my learning with Harvard's CS50 course, easily accessible online.

This course emphasized practical learning, allowing me to immediately apply concepts to projects in Piscine. This hands-on approach greatly enhanced my understanding of programming fundamentals.

CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science

Starting my journey in computer science, I dove into learning C programming at 42 Prague. Soon realizing the challenge, I supplemented my learning with Harvard's CS50 course, easily accessible online.

This course emphasized practical learning, allowing me to immediately apply concepts to projects in Piscine. This hands-on approach greatly enhanced my understanding of programming fundamentals.

CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science

Starting my journey in computer science, I dove into learning C programming at 42 Prague. Soon realizing the challenge, I supplemented my learning with Harvard's CS50 course, easily accessible online.

This course emphasized practical learning, allowing me to immediately apply concepts to projects in Piscine. This hands-on approach greatly enhanced my understanding of programming fundamentals.
0 - Scratch
1 - C
2 - Arrays
3 - Algorithms
4 - Memory
5 - Data Structures
8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
0 - Scratch
1 - C
2 - Arrays
3 - Algorithms
4 - Memory
5 - Data Structures
8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
0 - Scratch
1 - C
2 - Arrays
3 - Algorithms
4 - Memory
5 - Data Structures
8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
0 - Scratch
1 - C
2 - Arrays
3 - Algorithms
4 - Memory
5 - Data Structures
8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript

CS50W - Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

As a junior web developer, I saw the need to beef up my basics. Wanting a solid foundation, I checked out Harvard's courses. They're awesome because they give a full view of the subject, not just bits and pieces. Seeing the big picture is key in web dev, and these courses nail it.
1 - Git
5 - JavaScript
6 - User Interfaces

iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

The course was my first step in the programming journey, and I was pleasantly surprised by how Angela made this course easy to understand, even for a beginner like me.
Angela made sure to explain the concepts in a way that was easy to understand and apply. I was able to build basic apps and I was amazed by how quickly I was able to see results and create something on my own.

iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

Throughout the course, I discovered that I have a passion for building websites. There's something so satisfying about taking an idea and turning it into a fully-functioning, beautiful website that people can interact with. I also gained a fundamentals in front-end web development.