3D object in Vision Pro

I developed a dice-rolling application using Vision OS, RealityKit, and SwiftUI. Users can roll the dice by picking it up and releasing it.

I developed a dice-rolling application using Vision OS, RealityKit, and SwiftUI. Users can roll the dice by picking it up and releasing it.

I developed a dice-rolling application using Vision OS, RealityKit, and SwiftUI. Users can roll the dice by picking it up and releasing it.

Vision OS RealityKit SwiftUI
I focused on ensuring dynamic interaction. By integrating physics simulations, users can drag the dice across the screen and release it at any desired location. This creates a seamless blend of physicality and digital innovation.
The core functionality of the application lies in accurately displaying the outcome of each roll. To achieve this, I utilized the directional information provided by the X, Y, and Z axes of the dice's orientation. This ensures that users promptly see the rolled number when the dice comes to rest, adding excitement to each interaction.