Egg Timer App

Built it is part of the "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp” 🥚 This is an iOS app that helps users cook their eggs to perfection. By selecting one of the desired level of hardness for their eggs (Soft, Medium, or Hard).

Built it is part of the "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp” 🥚 This is an iOS app that helps users cook their eggs to perfection. By selecting one of the desired level of hardness for their eggs (Soft, Medium, or Hard).

Built it is part of the "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp” 🥚 This is an iOS app that helps users cook their eggs to perfection. By selecting one of the desired level of hardness for their eggs (Soft, Medium, or Hard).

UIKit AVFoundation
⏰ The app will display the progress of the timer in the form of a progress bar and a label that shows the current level of hardness. When the timer reaches the end, the app will play an alarm sound and show a "DONE" message.
Functions: - Setting a timer for different levels of egg hardness (Soft, Medium, or Hard) based on the user's selection. - Displaying the progress of the timer in the form of a progress bar. - Displaying the current level of hardness via a label. - Playing an alarm sound and displaying "DONE" message when the timer reaches the end. 💡 What did I learn? - Create and Manage UI elements (progress bar, labels and buttons) - Play an audio file by using AVFoundation framework - Use Timer class to schedule - Use IBOutlet and IBAction annotations to link interface elements to code - How to use data types (String, Int, Float)