Quizzler App

The app is built using Swift programming language and Xcode. The Quizzler app is a trivia game that allows users to test their knowledge by answering a series of multiple-choice questions. The questions and answers are stored in an array of Question structs and are accessed by the QuizBrain struct which handle the logic of the quiz. The app displays the question and possible answers to the user, and when the user selects an answer, the app checks if the answer is correct and displays the result by changing the color of the button. The app also keeps track of the user's score and progress.

The app is built using Swift programming language and Xcode. The Quizzler app is a trivia game that allows users to test their knowledge by answering a series of multiple-choice questions. The questions and answers are stored in an array of Question structs and are accessed by the QuizBrain struct which handle the logic of the quiz. The app displays the question and possible answers to the user, and when the user selects an answer, the app checks if the answer is correct and displays the result by changing the color of the button. The app also keeps track of the user's score and progress.

The app is built using Swift programming language and Xcode. The Quizzler app is a trivia game that allows users to test their knowledge by answering a series of multiple-choice questions. The questions and answers are stored in an array of Question structs and are accessed by the QuizBrain struct which handle the logic of the quiz. The app displays the question and possible answers to the user, and when the user selects an answer, the app checks if the answer is correct and displays the result by changing the color of the button. The app also keeps track of the user's score and progress.

Functions: - Displaying the question and possible answers to the user - Checking if the user's answer is correct - Displaying the result of the user's answer - Keeping track of the user's score - Keeping track of the progress of the quiz - Moving to the next question - Changing the color of the button based on whether the answer is correct or incorrect
💡 What did I learn? - Swift Programming Basics - Use the class and object-oriented programming concepts to organize the code - IBAction and IOutlet annotations to link interface elements to code - UIColor class to change the color of interface elements - UIProgressView to represent the progress of a task or activity - Use Xcode and Simulator