Xylophone App

This is a simple iOS Xylophone app that plays different musical notes when the user taps on the colored keys on the screen. It uses AVFoundation to play the sounds and UIKit for the interface. The app also changes the appearance of the key when pressed and returns to its original state after a delay.

This is a simple iOS Xylophone app that plays different musical notes when the user taps on the colored keys on the screen. It uses AVFoundation to play the sounds and UIKit for the interface. The app also changes the appearance of the key when pressed and returns to its original state after a delay.

This is a simple iOS Xylophone app that plays different musical notes when the user taps on the colored keys on the screen. It uses AVFoundation to play the sounds and UIKit for the interface. The app also changes the appearance of the key when pressed and returns to its original state after a delay.

UIKit AVFoundation
Functions: - Play different musical notes by tapping on colored keys on the screen. - Changes the appearance of the key when pressed and returns to its original state after a delay to indicate that it has been pressed
💡 What did I learn? - AVFoundation framework to play the corresponding sound files for each key - IBAction annotation to link button presses to code - DispatchQueue to schedule a task to change the appearance of the button after a short delay. - Bundle class to locate and load the audio files - AVAudioPlayerclass to play audio files